中込敦士 医師、医学博士 Atsushi Nakagomi, MD, PhD


Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (FJSIM) prof

Board Certified Member of The Japanese Circulation Society

略歴: CV

2007年 千葉大学医学部医学科卒業

2015年 千葉大学大学院医学研究院 医学博士取得(摂食行動調節に関する基礎研究)。


2019年 ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院に武見フェローとして留学し、社会疫学の研究に従事。

2021年4月 千葉大学予防医学センター 特任助教

2023年4月 千葉大学予防医学センター 健康まちづくり共同研究部門 特任准教授

2024年4月 千葉大学予防医学センター 社会予防医学研究部門 准教授

2007: Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Chiba University. 

2015: Earned a Doctor of Medicine degree from the Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University (Basic research on the regulation of eating behavior). 

Recognized the importance of health disparities due to socioeconomic factors while engaged in clinical and research work. 

2019: Studied abroad at the Harvard School of Public Health as a Takemi Fellow, engaging in research in social epidemiology. 

2021: Appointed as a Project Assistant Professor at the Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba University. 

2023: Appointed as a Project Associate Professor in the Department of Community Building for Well-being at the Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba University

2024: Appointed as an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Preventive Medical Sciences at the Center for Preventive Medical Sciences, Chiba University. 

(最新の業績はRESERCH MAPをご覧ください)
